Care Givers
Classes Alzheimer’s
Disease Instructional and Training Inc.
click here to pay for any
class Class One
What Is Alzheimer’s
This class will teach you what Alzheimer’s
disease is, and how it affects your love ones.
It also will give you a chance to understand
another way of looking at Alzheimer’s disease.
This class will also help you to understand what
stage your love ones are at. By doing this it
can help you in many, many ways. You will be
able to take control of so many things that will
make you and your loved ones life so much
better. The rewards are endless.
Class Two
Safety at home and in
public places
This class will teach you how, and when to
install safety devices so that it will not take
away your loved ones dignity. This class will
also teach you how to handle bad problems in
public places. It will also help you to know
where and when to pick your fights. You will
learn to separate the big things from the little
things. This class will also show you how to get
them out in case of a fire. You will sleep
better knowing that your loved one is safe at
night. This class will give you rewards you
would not believe to be possible.
Class Three
Stress relief
This class is for the caregivers and anyone who
is dealing with the care of a person with
Alzheimer’s disease for any long length of time.
If you don’t make some “me” time, you cannot be
very good to your loved one. Your temper is
short; you lose sight of the fact that this is a
disease and start taking things personal. You
say things that you don’t mean, and hurt
yourself believe it or not, you leave a feeling
of hurt in the heart of your loved ones that
they don’t forget. The feeling stays with them a
long time. You will learn how to have your loved
one at home and have a good family life. Yes,
that can happen. Take back your life and keep
your loved ones at home.
Class Four
Understanding your love
one and the stages
This class will help you find what stage your
loved ones are at. Put he or she on the right
level of care, and it will give you a better
understanding of what Alzheimer’s disease really
is. You will have a chance to talk with a person
from Dekalb Neurology Associates, LLC DNA
Research Marshall L. Nash, M.D., who will put
you in touch with all the latest things that are
being used to manage Alzheimer’s disease.
Only $50. Training is done in the home of
the Patient. The training is most effective when
done in the environment where the patient
resides. Training varies, but usually it is a
two hour class.
Contact: Maxine Funchess
CEO, Founder and President
(404) 587-7933