NO EXCUSES-A Must Read for all those who have PROBLEMS

 I am highly motivated to write this blog.
I have just finished listening to a person complaining about being in a bad relationship.
I wanted to shake the person and SCREAM "Why don't you just leave"?
I did ask that question, gently.
The excuses that were given. just didn't make sense to me.
The person even said the spouse spit on them. ( <i>to me that's fighting time</i>) definitely leaving the relationship time.

I personally can never complain about anything. I feel blessed. I enjoy things that cost NO MONEY.
The smell of Magnolia Blossoms after a rain. I enjoy reading a novel. I enjoy seeing children laugh and play.
I am happy that can stand up straight, because I see people walking bent over. I am happy that I can think and remember, because I have a friend that is an Alzheimer's Care Giver.

I get UPSET when I see people who are blessed complaining about things that are not really important.
After listen to my friends complain, I just happen to be channel surfing ( on PBS). I came across this video message
I have to share just a little of it!

Look at these two videos by clicking below then e-mail me and tell me about your problem. I dare you.
-Video 1 2