I am a former teacher in the Memphis City school system. I have an
experience I would like
to share. You decide if you can use the concepts.
I had a second job at a neighborhood community center at night.
Color Video cameras had just come on the market. I bought one to use in
my teaching effort. I found some unusually
cool hand puppets on sale and I bought them. I got this great Idea.
At my community center job I used an overturned table, a small 13 inch
color TV, my color
camera, the hand puppets and 10 community center kids. I gave them
written scripts. They put the hand puppets on,
hid behind the table, raise their hands just enough so that you see only
the puppets. They read from the script, as I video taped the educational
puppet show. The “puppets” talked about the planets and the solar
I was going to use the tape to show my students and get them to also
make a tape. During the taping, I noticed that the community center kids
were no longer reading from the script. THEY HAD LEARNED ALL
After the taping I ask the community center kids questions about the
solar system and the planets. They could not answer them. I then got a
non-logical idea. With the camera off, I ask them to put the hand puppet
back on, and I then asked THE PUPPET the same question. The student
answered the question (as the puppet) correctly!
I am not sure why.
However as an action step I am asking teachers to use a puppet show
format to teach concepts. Do not say anything about learning, just say
we are having fun, putting on a puppet show. Tell them (your middle
school students) that the resulting puppet show will be used to help
elementary students. Tell them that maybe we will upload it to
youtube.com to help students around the world. Make it important
This has worked for me. I called it “Trick them into learning”
I overheard a teacher once say “My students have been failing these
vocabulary tests for 8 years”
Without thinking I asked her “Are you still teaching it the same way”
She was insulted
I apologized
My thought is if you are not getting the results you want…DO SOMETHING
Remember the old saying if you keep doing the same thing but expecting
different results…..You are not a good teacher