Survey Sheet
I took an assignment teaching HTML and Web Site design at a local
technical college. The classes were going well but something inspired me
to try this concept.
I created a questionnaire. The questions were judiciously created. I had
questions on the list in which I was not really interested, such as;
what is your favorite color?’ what is your favorite season of the year?
Also there were questions on the survey instrument whose answers I had
planned to use as teaching tools.’(I wanted to make sure I was using
metaphors to which they could relate). Questions like; What is your
favorite TV program, Favorite Movie, and most watched sport.
I also threw in questions such as ; what is the best thing that ever
happed to you and what is the worst thing that ever happened to you. I
an not sure what made me insert those questions. (The answers blew me
away, they were too shocking to reveal)
After learning of some of the hardships my students had endures and were
enduring I had an immediate Paradigm Shift. I was determined that I was
going to be a positive influence in their lives and I was no longer
going to give 110%. I was now determined to give 120%.
My metaphors were more relevant; I used concepts from the movies and TV
programs they had seen.
I was able to invite Parents and relatives to my class to share
educational experience that I knew they had as a result of the survey.
I seemed to CARE MORE ABOUT THEM after reading the surveys.( Please note
the survey sheets did not require a student signature.)
The classes were so much better and my students learned more and were
I fulfilled my need for constant self improvement
I heard once that students,
Don’t care How much you know, they want to know how much you care
I believe that