The PARENT’S role in Education
look at this video then come back--
FIRST, Convince your children that they CAN!!!
Can Do!
Can Learn!
Can be successful regardless of any limitation!
Can Study.
Is this a problem?
The Self- Fulfilling Prophecy
We as human beings on the planet earth are our own worst enemy. We limit
ourselves, we doubt ourselves. We predict failure for us and our
children. We can do more if we first really believe we can do more. We
actually SUBCONSCIOUSLY cause our own defeat.
Well, How do you do that?
FROM DAY ONE. Help your child discover WHAT
makes him/her happy.
What does that mean:
What good is it, if your child becomes the world’s greatest brain
surgeon and is unhappy.
If your child is the world’s highest paid athlete
and has a thousand dollar a day drug habit.
Becomes President of the United States and has to quit in disgrace.
The greatest joy is in being happy, truly happy.
The first step is to discover what it is , that makes us happy. Help
your child find this , the world’s greatest secret.
How do I do that?
Don’t force your child to do what makes YOU happy. Listen and watch for
the positive activities that make him/her happy..
Provide nutrition that feeds the BRAIN.
MORE THAN JUST “Eat your vegetables!”
Discover that latest theories in nutrition.
We now KNOW the importance of diet.
Break the eating traditions of the past that we now know are
Double overweight children are not guilty of overeating. The Parent is
guilty of overfeeding.
Climate is the sum total of all the physical, mental, and environmental
conditions that your child encounters.
for example:
His/her room.
The lighting and furniture in that room
His clothes
His chores and the time given after them for study
Your Comments on his work.
Your smiles or frowns.
Buy and READ periodicals and BOOKS
What periodicals do you subscribe to.
Do you have a set of encyclopedia in your home?
What is your favorite author?
What books has your child read for fun?
Do you know the Public Libraries have an annual book sale where you can
buy good books for pennies on the dollar?
Did you know encyclopedia are now available on CD ROM via computers?
Does your child have a Library card?
Do you know where the closest library is?
Do you have a small home library?
Young children write a Christmas List for Santa Claus.
Expand on that concept.
Ask your children to put everything and/or anything they want (or think)
in writing.
The pen is STILL mighty powerful!
Writing (spelling/grammar mechanics) is a skill that will result in
better job opportunities.
Monitor the Television Programs that are on
There are great programs on!
The Learning Channel
Paleo World.
The Discovery Channel.
Public TV.
There are programs in every subject area.
The Public TV specials on the Civil War were magnificent.
The specials on Christopher Columbus made History come alive.
Watch TV with your child!
Provide Educational Experiences
Travel to places that have some educational value .
Take them to the local Science Museum.
Tale them to the Art Museum.
Take them to the Botanical Garden.
Don’t SEND them TAKE them.
Take them to the actual places where Civil War battles took place.
Visit factories (That allow tours)
Often the number one tourist attraction in a state is never visited by
the local population.
Scrutinize their REPORT CARDS
Don’t just look at the grades.
Examine the attendance.
Determine what grade they made from which teacher.
Ask what topics were covered during that reporting period.
What topics gave them trouble?
What were the conduct grades?
Is there a correlation between the conduct grade and the academic grade?
Examine OLD test papers
Perform Educational research.
Examine old test papers.
Make sure your child learns the lessons.
The KEY is not just to pass the tests
to make straight A’s
The key is to learn the material.
As you examine the test papers you will determine how a teacher tests.
You can determine what KINDS of questions
the student (your child) is expected to answer.
Using this knowledge you can better help your child study for teacher
constructed tests.
Do you know your child’s science teacher?
Do you know your child’s PE teacher?
Who taught your child English last year?
Are all teachers equally good?
Of course not. And this is good.
Your child in his/her adult life will not encounter all positive people.
He /She must learn to deal and interact with people that aren’t
motivated or enthusiastic or happy.
Don’t let WHO the teacher is be an excuse
for less than the highest expectations from you!
PARENTS,,,YOU write letters
When you are angry , you write a letter complaining.
It has less impact. (than what)
Here is a theory. Use the 5G/1B formula if you want your letter to have
MORE impact.
Look for positive Teachers and personnel.
Look for opportunities to write letters of excellence.
Write 5 good ones before you write one BAD one.
Then your letter has MUCH MORE impact.
Have you EVER written a good letter!
It is noticed!
It actually helps your child when you attend.
Become an officer.
Do you think that teachers know
which child is the offspring of the president of the PTA?
Teachers appreciate your support.
Support the school
The Schools have activities other than PTA meetings.
How many do you attend.
It is important that you attend activities at the school.
Make it a point to attend activities even if your child is not in that
You can learn a lot about the school at it’s overall program if you
attend it’s extra-curricular activities.
Use this attendance to show your child what activities he/she can
participate in NEXT year.
How many school board meetings have you attended (ever)?
Can you name two school board members?
Do you know where they meet?
Which ones did you vote for?
Would anyone know if you attended all of them?
Could you be a school board member?
What possible good could it do?
Introduce your self to the politics of education
Meet the superintendent.
Learn your local, state and National representatives.
Learn their stance on Education.
VOTE accordingly
Politic for your person.
DISCOVER How Children Learn!
The PEG method.
The STORY method.
The Mnemonic method.
The “make a story” method.
The “Flash Card” method
The reinforcement method.
The “imagineering” method.
The Master Performer approach.
Things YOU should teach your child
Religious beliefs
Personal Family History
Political Orientation
Goal setting
Time Management
Conflict resolution
To develop a mission in life
Gender relations