Chapter 19
The Murder of My Son:
son was and still is one of GOD'S wise men that the above
scripture Matthew Ch.23: v.34-35
speaks of. He was murdered by a demonic cop on Feb.2, 2003.
I think I mention earlier that the murder of our children by
cops is one of the modern day forms of lynching that this
world 'System' uses to kill our loved ones, if I
didn’t, I meant to. It is no co-incidence that 95 per-cent
of victims killed by cops are always 'black'. It was the
Blacks that were being lynched in days gone by, and they are
still the target today. Need I say more? This is why cops
can murder us at will and always walk FREE, because
it is set up and condoned by our Government.
I have experienced this very close up and personal. It is
no secret, and it is very obvious that if you are black, and
are encountered by a cop, you are automatically a dead man.
It doesn’t matter whether the cops that commit this evil is
black or white; they all belong and work for the same power
structure (the government).
My son was shot in
his back 3 times as he and I stood on our porch talking to
each other. He was shot twice from over 35ft. away, and a
third time at close range as he was falling from the first 2
shots. This spiritual wickedness in high places, and
the powers that be, started their cover up method
instantly. I couldn’t believe what vicious liars they were.
They spent one whole year on trying to figure out ways to
cover up this horrific murder. They went from saying my son
had a knife, to saying that the shell casings must have been
accidentally kicked to where they was found, because the
murderer said he wasn't standing where the evidence said he
was standing, which was about 3ft from my son when he was
shot in the back the third time. I have always heard that
evidence couldn't lie, but in my case, these spiritual
wickedness in high places said it did.
They tried everything in their power to cover up, but in the
end, the evidence as to a coldblooded murder was so
overwhelming, until they had no choice but to fire
him (but of course, God himself had to intervene in order
for this to happen), because their initial findings was that
it was a ‘justifiable shooting’. It was only after
praying to God that the ‘Real Truth’ was revealed. I
was also awarded a Hugh judgment against the cop which
amounts to nothing because this cop has nothing. This
ungodly government, this ‘beast’ also has laws in
place that says that: after they (the government) have
trained cops to murder our love ones, they (the state or the
county) cannot be held liable. This wicked system thought
that by firing the cop that murdered my son should have made
me happy, but it didn't, although it was a step in the right
direction. I told them his firing meant nothing to
me, nor does this judgment, for I was fired
once from a job a few years ago for being tardy a few times.
I still want him to be prosecuted, he committed murder, but
they let him walk free even to this day. This was no
surprise to me, all killer cops’ walks free, for now.
After about 3 years
of trying, I finally got the d,a.(Gwen keys Fleming) to take
my case before the grand jury. I wasn't allowed to be there,
neither was my attorney. And of course the results were
nothing. The grand jury voted 9 to 9, which amounted to a
hung jury. I asked for a re-trial, and was denied that right
also. This didn't surprise me though, because not to long
before this, a cop by the name of Ron Jones would kidnap
young men off the streets, take them to neighboring counties
and kill them, or try to kill them. One of these young men
he tried to kill fought back and got away. After lying for a
while, this cop finally admitted before a grand jury that he
was guilty of all charges. But they still let him walk free,
thanks to the D.A. They are part of the conspiracy. They
pretend they will speak for you before the grand jury, but
this is nothing but a huge lie. This is why you or your
attorneys’ that represent you are not allowed in the court
room when the case is being presented before the grand jury.
And because they are a part of this spiritual
wickedness in high places, means
that there was no one to represent my case before the grand
jury. So I expected the results that I got. I would like to
quote the findings of the federal courts that are written
concerning the death of my son, “THE COURTS FINDS THAT
MR. BATES”. This is written word for word, yet, the cop
walks free to this day. After this finding, he was simply
handed his gun back, and allowed to go on and join the
military to continue to kill other innocent people. SO THE
killer cops are no different from the Ted Bundy's
and the john Wayne Gacy's of this world. And the
GOVERNMENT knows it. I have much compassion for the
police officers who are so worthy to be called officers of
the law (that truly protects and serve), and are forced by
this unjust, justice system, to work among these wolves in
sheep clothing.
On the night my son
was murdered, there were 2 cops at my home, one was a man of
God, and the other was a demon from the Pits of hell (The
murderer). I know this because God told me. I knew an
officer would die for the death of my son, because God told
me this too, (an eye for an eye). As a matter of fact, I
told several people what God had told me. In the mean time
after being fired, this murderer had filed an appeal to try
and get his job back. It was written in the news paper that
this appeal was coming up and that the other officer (the
man of God) was going to be a witness for this murderer and
testify to the fact that this demon did the right thing.
When I read this I
was shocked. I went to God and I said, LORD, how can this
man, being your child, testify on behalf of this murdering
demon? And God said, “he cannot, and will not do it, for I
have already fulfilled in him;” Exodus, ch.23:v.1
thou shalt not raise a false report: put not thine hand with
the wicked to be an unrighteous witness. God also said
to me these words concerning the officer: “because
he loves me, he will obey
me”. When I heard this, I was happy and very
satisfied in knowing this officer wasn't going to be a
witness for this ungodly demon after all.
Well, my happiness
was short lived, two weeks before the appeal was to be, the
newspaper read, “officer won't be getting an appeal, because
his only witness has died”. This man of God was playing in a
minor baseball game on that day, and when he stood up to go
to bat, he dropped dead, I was crushed; I went to God in a
hurry. I have heard the saying that no one is suppose to
question God; well I don't believe this is scriptural. I
believe this is just another quote of man that has misled
people into believing it's the word of God. As for me, I
will ask God a question in a minute, without hesitation, and
this was one of those times. After all, how are we going to
get answers if we don't ask questions? And I do get answers
when ever God sees fit to give me one. I couldn't believe
what I was reading. I was devastated. I said to God; “I know
you said an officer would die LORD, but why him (Officer
Jerome Clay), why not take the demon that killed my son,
and send him on to hell which is his destination if he
doesn't repent”? Then the LORD said, “why not him? He was
grieving; he knew he couldn't put his hand with the
wicked to be an unrighteous witness, so I took him out of
his misery”. God has also allowed me to see that this
unjust justice system would have condemned this
precious man of God for not standing with this
murderer, because the system trains them to support each
other, no matter how evil the deed is. This precious Officer
was torn between obeying the ‘laws of man’, and
obeying the ‘Laws of God’, He chose God. He is in
heaven now, and his blood is also on the hands of this
spiritual wickedness in high places. This wicked
system murdered one of their own and don’t even no it. This
officer was a healthy, 34 year old man of God who was so
worthy to be called an Officer of the law, (GOD'S LAW).
God will judge all the shed blood from my son's death and
others 'forward' in one manner, and all the shed blood from
my son's death and others 'backwards' in another manner. In
the end we will have our justice, and the ‘powers’
that has condoned this evil for these many, many years, will
be punished.
Not only does this ‘beast’
(GOVERNMENT) destroy GOD'S people in this way, but
they have all manner of tactics they use, and call them
legal. For instance: the government released money to
help the poor with their heating bill, I took a neighbor to
this place one early morning at 7a.m in the freezing cold to
apply for this assistance, I was amazed to see a line about
a mile long, and they were only letting 60 people in at a
time because that's all the place could hold. The rest had
to stand out in the freezing cold to wait their turn. I
thought how evil, they gave this money in the name of
keeping one warm, but at the same time they were allowing
people to freeze to death in order to get it. I was told by
a person standing in the line that it was this way every
week. I was also told that they only took applications one
day a week. At this present time this system offers
something called the “fresh start program”, which supposes
to assist the poor, but this same system makes it impossible
for almost anyone to get it. As mention in an earlier
chapter, I do remember one President who headed this world
system (government) at one time, and did not wear the
number of the beast nor was it written by his name, and he
is/was, PRESIDENT JIMMY CARTER, he made sure the poor
people got the help he promised them without making it hard
for them to get it. At that time ‘He’ promised laid off
auto workers monetary help, and it came to them by way of
the mail without one having to jump hoops to get it. I was
one of those laid off workers. He was a GODLY MAN who did,
and still is doing the will of GOD to this day. And of
course for this reason, the world was more against him than
for him. But again, JESUS said it would be this way, God is
still Blessing ‘Him’, He is still building homes for the
poor at the age of 90, and may God forever bless him and his
PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON is another man I have great
respect for too. Although these spiritual wickedness in
high places tried to destroy him with this Monica
Lewinsky thing, but I read this story from the beginning to
the end, and I never saw one thing this president had done
to this woman, but I did read plenty she had done to him.
While reading about all these things Miss Monica had done to
the president, and I remember thinking, “Well, what did he
do to her?” because I saw absolutely nothing. I don't know
if he even allowed her to do the things she did to him or
not. Or Maybe I missed something. Did she do these things to
him while he was asleep, or in a coma or something?, I ask
this question because if he was alert, I wondered why there
wasn't at least one thing written that he had done to her,
but I kept looking and saw absolutely nothing. Nevertheless,
this whole situation was a very evil tactic, because MR.
CLINTON wasn’t hired to be the high priest, or our JESUS,
and his personal life shouldn't have come in to play. He was
elected to be the PRESIDENT, and in my opinion he was a good
one. I repeat: There are good, Godly people within this
wicked system (the beast).
Although there are
many evils I have seen imputed upon the people of GOD by
only mention one other that grieves my heart to this day,
and that is the plight of little Alex. Little Alex was a
cute little puppy dog in my neighborhood that was picked up
by the dog pound. The family that owed him was unable to pay
to get him out of the pound, so I ask my neighbor if I could
get him and they said yes. I went to get little Alex and
they had already killed him. I was shocked to realize that
if an animal is not picked up within 7 days, they are
killed. This system kills more animals than all the MICHEAL
VICKS in this world ever could do, but they have a cute
little word they use to make it legal, and that word is
(euthanasia). What they do is no different than what VICK
did; they just do more of it. How evil and hypocritical. As
a matter of fact, this beast ‘government’ is the one
that started the game of killing animals. In a 12 month
period of time, here in this county alone cops killed more
than 100 of someone’s beloved, innocent pets (dogs) for no
reason other than the fact that they wanted to shoot
something or somebody, and they no nothing will be done.
Our Loving God is
appealing to this beast/government to address
all these evils they are committing which is nation wide,
and repent of the evils they have already done while there
is still time, because now that a small portion of the evils
they have committed has been pointed out, they have no cloat
for their sins.
ch.6:v17-18 Wherefore come out from
among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch
not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, (18)
And will be a Father unto you, and you shall be my sons and
daughters, saith the Lord Almighty. The Lord Almighty
wants those who believe in righteousness to separate
themselves from this beast (come out), and ‘He’ will
receive you. God wants you to be ‘His’ sons and
daughters, and ‘He’ will be your Father. In the end,
the Lion of Judah will fight against this beast and
will prevail. This beast will be destroyed. AMEN and
During my years of
living, I have seen, and witness this beast brutalize God’s
people by beating them, and ignoring their pleas for help,
which resulted in their deaths. These were the elderly who
had no choice but to depend on this beast, I saw this with
my own 2 eyes. I can still remember some of these people who
died unnecessarily name by name. I would report this to
people in authority, and instantly they would start their
vicious lying and the cover up. One person in authority told
me (after I had reported abuse) “no Mrs. Luke it didn’t
happen that way”, and my response was “how can you say that
when you wasn’t here and I was”, but I realized that the
staff had gotten to him (quickly) before I did with their
lying tongues, because they knew I was going to report the
‘Real Truth’. Of course the Bible states that this
beast will rather believe a ‘lie’ before the ‘Truth’
in order to continue their evil deeds, all the way to the
end time.
And last but not
least: to my readers, I hope you have enjoyed reading this
book, as much as I have enjoyed writing it. I had a blast!
I know this book will be a blessing to many for years to
come, to at least a 144 thousand for sure, and God says in
His Word, some will be offended; Matthew ch24:v10,
Matthew ch26: v31, and
Mark ch14: v29. Nevertheless, I
have cried aloud and spared not, like GOD has instructed me
to; Isaiah ch58:v1. I have also
come boldly unto the throne of grace, as instructed;
Hebrews ch4:v16. And I thank GOD
for this thorn in the flesh that has kept me from being
exalted above measure. May GOD forever bless you, and I will
hopefully see you in the Resurrection (the First
resurrection) if not before.
Love in Christ;
Loretta Luke