Pictures and Video
Packaging | Paradigm | Passion| Patience|  Pay4Performance | People | Perception|  Perseverance | Philanthropy
Plan | Politeness |  Political Correctness |  Praise | Preparation |  Presentation  | Price | Pride  Prioritize  
| Product |  Professionalism |  Profit | Progress |  Promote |  Promptness| Protocol 


Picture on Business card

Pictures of best clients to remember their names

Pictures of the wall of clients that spend X amount of dollars with you

When someone says the word tree, what mental image comes to mind for the listener? If the listener is from Florida, probably, a palm tree . If the listener is from Georgia, probably a Pine tree. If the listener is from California, probably a redwood tree. If the mental picture is important then use a photograph. Use pictures and visuals to convey ideas. Do not trust the listener or reader to "know what you mean"

Use pictures as a reward or acknowledge of service. Click the can